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Naučno-stručni skup iz merenja i kontrole kvaliteta u proizvodnom mašinstvu - FTN 25.-27.05 2009
Fakultet tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu uz podršku međunarodne organizacije „Visegrad Fund“ Vas poziva da posetite ’’Edukativni naučno-stručni skup iz merenja i kontrole kvaliteta u proizvodnom mašinstvu i zaštiti životne sredine - ETIKUM’’. Skup će biti održan od 25. do 27. maja 2009. godine u svečanoj sali i laboratorijama fakulteta. Tokom 3 dana trajanja skupa, planirano je održavanje predavanja upotpunjenih praktičnom primenom pojedinih tema skupa. Teme skupa...
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Promotion of UNIDO Serbia Project on Faculty of Technical Sciences Novi Sad
On May 14th a presentation of UNIDO project “Facilitating International Market Access for Manufacturing Suppliers in the Automotive Component Industry in Serbia” took place within the premises of Faculty of Technical Sciences (FTS) – Novi Sad. After the opening speech of faculty dean Mr. Cosic, Serbian experts Mr. Vijatov, Mrs. Rakanovic-Pesic, informed the 70 participants (17 professors and 50 students) about the UNIDO programme in Serbia and presented their Indian study tour...
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AC Serbia members IPM and Knott Autoflex at Automechanika Istanbul 2009
IPM from Belgrade and Knott Autoflex from Bečej exhibited at joint Serbian fair stand in Istanbul from 16th to 19th Aprila 2009. Within the scope of the joint national Serbian fair stand which was organized by Serbian Chamber of Commerce also companies FAS from Sombor and Prva Petoletka from Trstenik presented their products. AC Serbia management established first contact with Turkish TAYSAD. This organization has more than 260 members producing parts and components for automotive industry.
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Start of Fiat Punto Production in Kragujevac
„Fiat” announced start of FIAT Punto production in Kragujevac for March 2009. For 2009 the production of at least 15.000 automobiles is planned. Not only Serbian but also markets in the region, in Northern Africa and Russia will be supplied.
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From 19th to 20th January AC Serbia organized together wuth ACS and UNIDO the 2nd seminar concerning introduction of Continuous Improvement Processes in automotive industry companies. Within the seminar representatives of participating companies introduced their results so far and discussed with other participants problems that occured. Main focus was related to quality improvement, cost reduction and flexibility of delivery.
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